Give Me A Man
Give me the man with an iron will
And a purpose firm and strong;
Who dares to stand by the right until
He has crushed to death the wrong;
Who treads where the path of duty leads,
Though the way be blocked by foes;
Whose heart and hand a good cause speeds,
No matter who oppose.
Give me the man with an iron will,
Who knows no such word as fail;
Who will, if need, his heart’s blood spill
To make the good prevail;
Who guards the right with his strong arm,
And dares to stand ‘gainst might;
Who shields the poor and weak from harm,
And does right because ‘tis right.
Give me the man with an iron will
And a heart as true as gold;
Whose God-given mission he will fulfill,
Who cannot be bought nor sold.
Give me the man whom no power can bend
From a purpose grand and high;
Whose all, for a righteous cause will spend,
For a righteous cause will die.
Henry H. Johnson